we are

by danivilciu

We are a generation of victims. We realize that and we try to change the world and everyone around us, to make it a better and cosier place but we never think about changing ourselves. Doing that, we create more victims. History has never seen more blood on its pages. We are victims for a living.

We are Gods best product yet we produce Satan’s worst creations. Our souls are slaves on Satan’s playground, figures that are dancing the dance of death starting from birth. We proud ourselves with the right of freedom, never understanding that the real freedom only comes when we understand that we are not free. We make our own choices that define who we are. We control everything and everyone around us being too scared that we will be seen at the core of our being.

We wish for love. We wish for unconditioned love but we never take the risk of loving so, caring to much about our scars. We pity those who waste their life thinking “What if?”, yet we wouldn’t take a step outside our comfort zone. A single step causes a bunch of mind-attacks that are able to shake our vision on the world. Still, a single step is too far.

We are our own scream for help. We write books and print flyers that declare our need for help, but we never reach for the Hand that has reached for us. We jump from an extreme to another, from “looking for help” to “I’m too good to be helped”. We expect angels sent from heaven dressed in light yet we ignore the thousands of angels that look just like us, eat like us, cry just like us. We are to important not to be treated differently.

We are what we eat and so we invent foods that quench our thirst for toxic, making sure that everyone knows that we fight against the destruction of our bodies. We teach our children to protect themselves and then we teach them how to smoke. In the same time we destroy what the earth, at God’s command, offers us ever so generous.

We are our own enemies. We kill our own children. We kill our own brothers in the name of freedom. Their freedom. We fight those who don’t think like us, pray like us, love like us. Because we love. We declare “forgiveness” and all Love’s children as our way of living, never knowing what Love is and so, never having the pleasure of tasting it.

We are our own best creation. We are our own death sentence.

We are the choices we make!